Termin: Montag 16-18 Uhr in WSC-N-U-4.05
Dozenten J. Heinloth

We will usually start the seminar with a discussion/Q&A/recap-session on one of the Thursday seminars.
Afterwards we discuss a topic/an article one of us wants to understand, the choice for the next topic is made at the end of the seminar. The list below will thus be updated regularly, a list of links to articles and preprints discussed is included below.

Termin Vortragender Titel
09.10.2023 Federica Santi/Jochen Heinloth Stability conditions for line bundles on nodal curves I
16.10.2023 Discussion Stability conditions for line bundles on nodal curves II
23.10.2023 Discussion/Yingying Wang Toric varieties / Cohomology of DL-Varieties
30.10.2023 Dario Weissmann/Jochen Heinloth Pic(Bun_G) and group stacks
06.11.2023 Matteo Costantini Local systems on proper DM-stacks
13.11.2023 Matteo Costantini/Jochen Heinloth Local systems on proper DM-stacks II
20.11.2023 Federica Santi/Ludvig Modin Unstable strata
27.11.2023 Chirantan Chodhury/Matteo Costantini Local systems on proper DM-stacks III
04.12.2023 Benson Farb/Sara Torelli VBAC-webinar talks
11.12.2023 Carolina Tamborini et al RTG-Taks
18.12.2023 Ludvig Modin The U-hat thorem
08.01.2024 Sveta Makarova stability vs geometric stability
15.01.2024 Discussion Stability conditions for chains, Blow-ups and singularities
22.01.2024 Jochen Heinloth Weightd blow-ups and the invariant used for resolving singularities
29.01.2024 Davide/Ludvig/Michele Discussion on curves with G_m-action

Links to Articles and Preprints for the different topics:

Stability conditions for line bundles on nodal curves (by Nicola Pagani and Orsoloa Tommasi)

The line bundles on moduli stacks of principal bundles on a curve (by Indranil Biswas and Norbert Hoffmann)

Linearization of group stack actions and the Picard group of the moduli of SLr/μs-bundles on a curve. (by Yves Laszlo)

Local systems on proper algebraic V-manifolds. (by Carlos Simpson)