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Date Person in charge
11.4.2024 Ludvig
18.4.2024 Luca
25.4.2024 Paolo
2.5.2024 Nicolas
10.5.2024 Pietro
16.5.2024 Georg
23.5.2024 Thiago
6.6.2024 Hind
13.6.2024 Guilio
20.6.2024 Guillermo


The above table displays the turns for cleaning the coffee machine.

The turns are assigned as follows: every PhD student who takes part in the "coffee program" has to clean the coffee machine in the same week in which he/she is in charge for prepearing the Thursday tea break. All the other spots have to be filled in with PostDocs that participate in the "coffee program", or possibly with Phd students that participate in the coffee program, but have no duty for tea breaks this semester. You can edit the page to volunteer for a particular date.

You should clean the machine in the end of the week: on Thursday or even better on Friday.

The instructions for cleaning can be found in the common room, on the wall behind the machine itself (thanks Nicolas for writing them). Every 5 weeks the machine needs a more careful cleaning (again, everything is written in the common room). Pepole signing up for the weeks of 25.4, 31.5 and 4.7 will have to do this additional cleaning.