
Sämtliche (Vor-)Veröffentlichungen des Essener Seminars

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen


Iwasawa’s main conjecture for elliptic curves over anticyclotomic Zp-extensions (with H. Darmon), Annals of Math. 162 (2005) 1-64.

Rationality of Stark-Heegner points over genus fields of real quadratic fields (with H. Darmon), Annals of Math. 170 (2009) 287-303.

Generalised Heegner cycles and p-adic Rankin L-series (with H. Darmon and K. Prasanna), Duke Math. J. 162, n. 6 (2013) 1033-1148.

Kato’s Euler system and rational points on elliptic curves I: A p-adic Beilinson formula (with H. Darmon), Israel J. of Math. 199, n. 1 (2014) 163-188


Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties in affine flag varieties (with T. Haines, R. Kottwitz, D. Reuman), to appear in Compositio Math., arXiv:math/0805.0045v2

Supersingular Kottwitz-Rapoport strata and Deligne-Lusztig varieties (with C.-F. Yu), Journal de l’Inst. Math. Jussieu, 9 (2010), no. 2, 357-390

On the flatness of local models for the symplectic group,
Adv. in Math. 176 (2003) 89-115


Generalized Albanese morphisms, Compositio Mathematica 142 (2006) 719-733.

Raynaud’s vector bundles and base points of the generalized Theta divisor, Math. Zeitschrift 257 (2007) 597-611.

The Conway-Sloane tetralattice pairs are non-isometric (with J.Cervino), Advances in Mathematics 228 (2011) 153-166.

Postnikov-Stability for Complexes (with D. Plogg), to appear in IJM (2012)


The y-genus of the moduli space of PGLn-Higgs bundles on a curve (for degree coprime to n), (with O. García-Prada), Duke Math. J. 162 (2013) 2731-2749

Kloosterman sheaves for reductive groups, (with Ngo Bao Chau and Zhiwei Yun), Annals of Mathematics 177 (2013), 241-310

Uniformization of G-bundles, Math. Ann. 347 (3), 2010

Semistable reduction for G-bundles on curves, J. Alg. Geom.


Algebraic cobordism revisited (with R. Pandharipande), Inventiones mathematicae

The homotopy coniveau tower, Journal of Topology

Algebraic Cobordism, Monographs in Mathematics

Tate motives and the vanishing conjectures for algebraic K-theory, Algebraic K-Theory and Algebraic Topology


Admissible unitary completions of locally $\mathbb{Q}_p$- rational representations of $\mathrm{GL}_2(F)$ , J. of Repres. Th., vol. 14 (2010), 324-354

Towards a modulo $p$ Langlands correspondence for $\mathrm{GL}_2$ (with C.Breuil), Memoirs of AMS 216 (2012) no.1016, vi+114pp.

The image of Colmez’s Montreal functor, Publications mathématiques de l’IHÉS: Volume 118, Issue 1 (2013), Page 1-191