Meeting time and place:

We meet on Tuesdays,14-16 Uhr (c.t.), in WSC-S-U-3.02


This semester we will try something rather daring: we will be following the seminar being run by Joseph Ayoub at the University of Zürich on his program for proving the conservativity conjecture. We have a pipeline to his lectures (graciously furnished by our former member Guiseppe Ancona and also by Javier Fresan) and as they have already started in the middle of September, we will hopefully have enough lead time to allow us to prepare our lectures here. We will also begin with an overview of the conservativity conjecture and other conjectures, as set out in Ayoub's preprint [A]. There is also the paper [F] on the foliation topology, but it is not clear if this will be used in the seminar, I include it just in case.


Preliminary Schedule

Lecture 1. 20.10 Marc Levine-Ayoub paper [A] sections 1 and 2, Ayoub Lecture 1 [L1]

Lecture 2. 27.10 Toan Nguyen-Ayoub paper [A] sections 3 and 4

Lecture 3. 03.11 Maria Yakerson-Introduction to model categories-Ayoub Lecture 2 [L2(a)], [L2(f)] 

Lecture 4. 10.11 Gabriele Guzman-Construction of categories of motives-Ayoub Lecture 3 [L3(a)], [L3(f)] 

Lecture 5. 17.11  Adeel Khan-Betti realization and connectivity and purity-Ayoub Lecture 4 part I [L4(a)], [L4(f)] 

Lecture 6. 24.11  Adeel Khan-motivic cohomology, purity, contraction-Ayoub Lecture 4 part II [L4(a)], [L4(f)] 

Lecture 7. 01.12  Jin Cao- Gersten resolution, cancellation and the stable category of motives-Ayoub Lecture 5 [L5(a)], [L5(f)] 

Lecture 8. 08.12 Lorenzo Mantovani - Ayoub Lecture 6 [L6(a)], [L6(f)] 

Lecture >8. ?


Ayoub's Lecture Notes

Joseph has posted his own lecture notes at Ayoub's Lecture Notes


[A] Joseph Ayoub, Motives and algebraic cycles: a selection of conjectures and open questions. Preprint. pdf.

[F] Joseph Ayoub, Cohomologie feuilletée et théorie de Galois différentielle supérieure. Preprint. pdf.

[L1] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 1. Notes by G. Ancona. pdf.

[L2(a)] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 2. Notes by G. Ancona. pdf.

[L3(a)] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 3. Notes by G. Ancona. pdf.

[L4(a)] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 4. Notes by G. Ancona. pdf.

[L5(a)] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 5. Notes by G. Ancona. pdf.

[L6(a)] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 6. Notes by G. Ancona. pdf.

[L2(f)] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 2. Notes by J. Fresan. pdf.

[L3(f)] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 3. Notes by J. Fresan. pdf.

[L4(f)] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 4. Notes by J. Fresan. pdf.

[L5(f)] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 5. Notes by J. Fresan. pdf.

[L6(f)] Joseph Ayoub, Lecture 6. Notes by J. Fresan. pdf.