RTG seminar (Thursday morning seminar)

The Thursday morning seminar will be the “Research Training Group Seminar” where members of the RTG (PhD students, post-docs) present their results. Sometimes, we also have speakers from other places. Depending on the number of speakers and on the proposed topic, a speaker could use one or two sessions.

If you are interested in giving a talk in this seminar, please email me at ulrich.goertz@uni-due.de or simply talk to me at some point.

Moodle page (you need the enrolment key: RTG2553).

Date Speaker Title
7.5.2020 Andrea Marrama On the Hodge-Newton filtration for $p$-divisible groups 1
14.5.2020 Andrea Marrama On the Hodge-Newton filtration for $p$-divisible groups 2
18.6.2020 Xiaoyu Zhang Non-vanishing of certain theta lifts modulo a prime I
25.6.2020 Leonid Ryvkin The higher holonomies of a singular foliation
2.7.2020 (Bewerbungsvorträge W1)
9.7.2020 Martin Orr (Warwick) Quantitative reduction theory and unlikely intersections
16.7.2020 Xiaoyu Zhang Non-vanishing of certain theta lifts modulo a prime II
16.7.2020, 12:15 h Sönke Rollenske (Marburg) Stratifications in the moduli space of stable surfaces